Part of Alberta Game Jam 2023. Prompt: “Oh no, it’s loose!”

Astrablemm, an alien child of no particular renown, has entered with their space junk cart into a prestigious derby (for Kids!) in an attempt to earn their alien parents' love.

Simultaneously race and repair your failing alien kart in a desperate attempt to cross the finish line of this "completely safe" derby on top of a crystal mountain.


- WASD to move, Spacebar to break

- R to restart from previous checkpoint

- When damage icons pop up, left click to hold one part at a time in place. right click & hold on that part or a different one to repair it. You will not be able to steer while repairing.
Note: leaving parts un-repaired will reduce your ability to maneuver the more parts fall off!

Created in 48 hours by:

Tatiana Funk - Designer, 2D/3D Artist, UI (
Dustin Saxton - Designer, Level and Environment (
Nick Funk - Programming (


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Love the graphics,10/10. Super challenging near the end, was quite the challenge to beat.

(3 edits)

Thanks for playing our game!

I'm glad you like the graphics, our artist (Tatiana) will be very appreciative!

The challenge at the end is a bit of a learning curve for sure, it takes a combination of braking and decelerating for me. I've also seen some folks shoot through it at high speed as there are multiple paths to the end if you look for them.

this is awesome!

thank you so much!